Search Results for: "mentor"

How to Spot Platitudes and Performance Versus Authenticity and Action

In the wake of the Great Resignation, employees are demanding value-led companies. Oriana Branon explains how to find them.

How to Tell Your Story with Confidence and Ease

If you’re like most business leaders, you might feel uncomfortable talking about yourself. But your story is a powerful tool—and it needs to be told.

Charo Henríquez Wants to Make Journalism More Inclusive

As the first Latina department head at the New York Times, Charo Henríquez has made it her mission to change the face of journalism

Reclaim Your Career Energy in a Post-Pandemic Workplace

Seasoned HR expert Kevin Salcido exhorts business leaders to shake off the malaise of the past few years and reinvigorate their professional lives

The Secret to Moving Purpose into Action

Jeannette Ferran Astorga explains how an integrated approach to corporate social responsibility can drive impact for both the business and the communities it serves

The Latino Majority – S2E5 – Anilu Vazquez-Ubarri
S2E5: Seeing Strength in Numbers Featuring Anilu Vazquez-Ubarri In This Episode Growing up, Anilu Vazquez-Ubarri…