Search Results for: "STEM"

Multicultural Marketing Is the Key to Weathering the Economic Downturn

Multicultural marketing is typically one of the first things to be cut during times of financial stress. Mario Xavier Carrasco explains why corporate leaders should be prioritizing it instead.

Luis Martinez Is an Entrepreneur for Entrepreneurs

As CEO and founder of We Tha Plug, Luis Martinez has created a fast-growing ecosystem to support, connect, and empower underserved founders

The Latino Majority – S2E4 – Carolina Ceballos
S2E4: Courageous in Compliance Featuring Carolina Ceballos In This Episode As a child, Carolina Ceballos…
How to Build Wealth as a Business Owner

Five steps to becoming a strategic business owner and creating a foundation for long-term success

Liz Alicea-Velez Is Building a Network Across the Americas

As MoneyGram expands its reach around the world, sales and marketing expert Liz Alicea-Velez works behind the scenes to reach regional consumers on their terms