Search Results for: "pandemic"

How to Inject a Sense of Adventure into Your Life and Career

Award-winning travel journalist Jeannette Ceja explains how you can create a memorable experience wherever you are—at home, at your desk, and even at the airport

How to Spot Platitudes and Performance Versus Authenticity and Action

In the wake of the Great Resignation, employees are demanding value-led companies. Oriana Branon explains how to find them.

Alicia Cepeda Maule and Steven Aguiar Bring Tech to Charity

Givepact Cofounders Alicia Cepeda Maule and Steven Aguiar are building the next generation of nonprofits in Web 3

Performance, Pedagogy, and Philosophy

Edra Soto and Shaun Leonardo discuss the impact of educators on young minds and the myriad ways that art can help us reflect on our memories and experiences

Latino-Owned Businesses Show Resilience in Uncertain Times

Latino-owned businesses have adapted to the challenges brought on by the pandemic, but need additional support if they are to reach their full potential

8 Powerful Habits for Career Success

Patricia Arboleda breaks down the eight leadership habits that will position Latinas for leadership positions—and help them thrive in those roles