Search Results for: "strategy"

The Latino Majority – S2E6 – Jorge Plasencia
S2E6: Revealing the Dimensionality of the Latino Experience Featuring Jorge A. Plasencia In This Episode…
Charo Henríquez Wants to Make Journalism More Inclusive

As the first Latina department head at the New York Times, Charo Henríquez has made it her mission to change the face of journalism

The Secret to Moving Purpose into Action

Jeannette Ferran Astorga explains how an integrated approach to corporate social responsibility can drive impact for both the business and the communities it serves

Manuel Perez Pushes Himself “To the Limit”

Deputy Mayor Manuel Perez on what drives him to serve and support the Chicago community

Multicultural Marketing Is the Key to Weathering the Economic Downturn

Multicultural marketing is typically one of the first things to be cut during times of financial stress. Mario Xavier Carrasco explains why corporate leaders should be prioritizing it instead.

8 Powerful Habits for Career Success

Patricia Arboleda breaks down the eight leadership habits that will position Latinas for leadership positions—and help them thrive in those roles