Search Results for: "information technology "

Ulises Romero Sara Lee Frozen Bakery
Ulises Romero Builds Trust at Sara Lee Frozen Bakery

Ulises Romero has spent twenty years leading people, and now helps Sara Lee Frozen Bakery make it through unique manufacturing challenges

30 Under 30: Silvia Jaramillo-Regalado

Silvia Jaramillo-Regalado is a data analyst and executive director but her most important title may…

The Latino Majority – S3E1 – Dr. Miguel Román
  Available On Spotify    Apple Podcasts    Google Play S3 Episode 1: Telling the…
How to Spot Platitudes and Performance Versus Authenticity and Action

In the wake of the Great Resignation, employees are demanding value-led companies. Oriana Branon explains how to find them.

New Faces in the Boardroom
For too long, the conversation has been about the lack of Latinos in the boardroom.This…