Search Results for: "equity in care "

Jonathan Dromgoole
30 Under 30: Jonathan Dromgoole, Juntos

Meet Jonathan Dromgoole, founder of Juntos, whose work is centered around building a more representative government at all levels that harnesses the potential and resilience of diverse voices

Elvia Perez
30 Under 30: Elvia Perez, Inicio Ventures

Meet Elvia Perez, an investment associate at Inicio Ventures, who aims to create a more equitable landscape for Latino entrepreneurs to access the resources and support they need to succeed

Alana Meraz
30 Under 30: Alana Meraz, Latinx in Sports

Meet Alana Meraz, the founder and CEO of Latinx in Sports who is seeking to expand representation and influence of Latinos within the sports industry

Omar Escamila
30 Under 30: Omar Escamilla, Adobe

Meet Omar Escamilla, a program manager for Adobe’s DEI team, who works at the intersection of innovation, social good, and creativity while meaningfully impacting society

The American Dream
For nearly 250 years, immigrants have journeyed to the United States in search of better…