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Supercharge Your Leadership with These 7 Latino Executive Training Programs

Supercharge Your Leadership with These 7 Latino Executive Training Programs

From boardroom prep to C-Suite networking, we’ve curated a list of seven top leadership training programs for Latino executives

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Here at Hispanic Executive, our team is always excited about the fall and the back-to-school spirit. We take advantage of the seasonal ritual of preparing for a new school year by registering for the latest Latino conferences, joining new affinity networks, and planning how to level up our skills.

We also keep an eye out for what opportunities might be available for our readers, from intensive boardroom training to virtual coaching sessions and annual workshops. So, we have curated a list of seven of the top leadership training programs designed exclusively for Latino leadership.

Training Shortlist

7 Leadership Trainings for Latino Executives

1. BoardReady Institute by Latino Corporate Directors Education Foundation (LCDA)

The BoardReady Institute (BRI) is tailored to prepare and position new and aspiring directors for successful board appointments. The BRI curriculum—originally developed in collaboration with KPMG Board Leadership Center, Stanford Law School’s Rock Center for Corporate Governance, and Boardspan—comprehensively educates executives for boardroom excellence via experienced directors and faculty.

Prerequisites: LCDA membership
Key Dates: Spring and summer cohorts available
Location: Washington, DC
Cost: Varies for members; does not include additional travel and lodging costs

2. Leadership Pipeline Program by Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR)

The Leadership Pipeline Program offers a platform tailored for emerging Hispanic leaders aspiring for future executive roles. Sessions encompass training on corporate governance, talent development, and employee resource group (ERG) leadership to empower Hispanic corporate talents and ERG leaders and equip them for executive positions. Participants join a supportive network of over 250 like-minded professionals for mutual growth and engagement. HACR also offers a Young Hispanic Corporate Achievers program for entry-level talent.

Prerequisites: No company nominations required
Key Dates: October 23–25, 2023
Location: New Orleans and livestream access
Cost: $1,599 for corporate members; $3,099 for nonmembers

3. Lead Program by Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA)

The Lead program targets ambitious Latinos aspiring to elevate their careers through a holistic curriculum including business mastery, professional EQ, wealth creation, health and wellness, community engagement, and “xtrapreneurship.” The program employs group and individual exercises, mentoring, assessments, and tools to empower participants to overcome challenges, reshape limiting beliefs, and design their desired futures. Upon completion, participants receive a LinkedIn badge and recognition at the ALPFA national convention. APLFA also offers a divERGe program for ERG leaders.

Prerequisites: Must have an internal company sponsor and be an ALPFA member (or work at a member company)
Key Dates: Varied (two-day duration)
Location: Hybrid (in-person and virtual)
Cost: $3,000

4. ALZA Advanced Latino Leadership Program by Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (HACE)

The ALZA Advanced Latino Leadership Program is designed to propel Latino leaders into C-suite positions. Created to elevate leadership capabilities and cultivate executive presence, ALZA offers opportunities to connect with top-tier coaches and facilitators, build an influential peer network, benchmark across industries, and craft a personalized C-suite career journey map. The program encompasses approximately seventy-five hours, including an opening retreat, monthly sessions, and executive coaching. HACE also offers programs like Mujeres de HACE and Hombres de HACE.

Prerequisites: Must be a Latino executive director planning to transition to C-suite leadership roles
Key Dates: Sessions offered year-round
Location: Hybrid (in-person and virtual)
Cost: Sponsored by JPMorgan Chase’s Global Center for DEI

5. Ignite by Latino Leadership Institute

Ignite serves to cultivate the social capital of Latino professionals by empowering participants to overcome barriers, redefine thinking patterns, establish enduring new behaviors, and expand their professional and personal networks. This program is rooted in cultural context and neuroscience and covers topics including identity exploration, confidence building, executive decision-making strategies, and the creation of a value-driven advancement framework. The program equips participants to optimize their performance as contemporary leaders, guiding participants through a transformative journey of self-discovery and leadership enhancement.

Prerequisites: None
Key Dates: 2023 sessions start September 6, October 7, or November 2
Location: Online
Cost: $675

6. Black Leadership Institute by Institute for Nonprofit Practice

The Black Leadership Institute (BLI) unites and empowers senior-level Black leaders driving social change across various sectors nationwide. Through immersive programming, BLI equips these leaders with essential resources, networks, and community support to enhance their social, financial, knowledge, and cultural capital as they ascend to more influential roles. The program features in-person and virtual sessions, executive coaching, retreats, and sessions delving into diverse forms of power and influence. Emphasizing personal connection, mindfulness, well-being, and community building, BLI cultivates both local and national cross-sector networks, fostering a ripple effect of positive change beyond individual organizations.

Prerequisites: Open to Black experienced nonprofit, philanthropic, public, and private sector executives; social entrepreneurs; and senior leaders with direct team oversight and a budget
Key Dates: January 2024 (eighteen-month duration). Applications accepted through September 8, 2023.
Location: Boston, Dallas, Los Angeles, Detroit, Seattle, and Providence, Rhode Island. More cities coming soon.
Cost: BLI is offered at no cost to fellows accepted into the program

7. People of Color Southwest Climbing by National Outdoor Leadership School

This affinity group adventure is exclusively for self-identified people of color (POC) in the captivating Sonoran Desert of Arizona. This course, designed within a POC community, enables leaders to establish a solid climbing foundation while surrounded by a supportive environment. Graduates emerge equipped to lead, navigate outdoor challenges, communicate effectively, collaborate, and connect with nature, all while fostering self-awareness and personal growth. With an average group size of eight to twelve students, two to four instructors, and an elevation range of 2,500 to 6,500 feet, this expedition promises a transformative experience for those seeking climbing expertise within a culturally diverse and inspiring setting.

Prerequisites: Must be eighteen years or older (see essential eligibility criteria)
Key Dates: Varies (nine-day duration)
Location: Tucson, Arizona (Sonoran Desert)
Cost: TBD (see financial aid)  


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