In an industry undergoing constant change, Yasmine Winkler at UnitedHealthcare is undaunted—and therefore the perfect leader for a company in a disruptive, evolving environment
Alberto Vilar founded Apoyo Seguro in 2013 to take up the tall yet imperative order of providing millions of Hispanics the tools to keep their dreams safe.
HE had the pleasure of partnering with the USHCC to bring the 2013 Kickoff Reception to its hometown on June 27. As part of the kickoff, HE welcomed USHCC Chairman Emeritus Nina Vaca, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and activist, philanthropist, and businesswoman Eva Longoria to Chicago.
As senior VP and deputy general counsel for FOX International Channels, Ana Siegel tackles endlessly complex legal details that make the airing of American programming possible in Latin America.