Daphne Sigala Morfin Supports the Biggest Names in Media

Daphne Sigala Morfin provides governmental and regulatory support for Warner Bros. Discovery and makes leaps for her family

Photo by Matt Salyes
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As administrator for public affairs at Warner Bros-Discovery, Daphne Sigala Morfin is tasked with providing governmental and regulatory support for all fifty states and a number of international countries for one of the biggest names in media. Sigala Morfin has also helped lead successful congressional campaigns where she opened the Democratic office for California’s 39th congressional district. The future executive is looking forward to moving into upper management, continuing her service on Warner Bros. Discovery’s Vibras business resource group, and making great leaps forward for her and her family.

What do you do today?

I provide government and legislative support at the local, state, and international level and resolve regulatory and production-related issues. I help my team deep dive into all legislative issues that can impact our company, most importantly the tax incentive programs, for all fifty states and a few international countries. For our productions, I help with large and small issues for productions that need support on [anything] from visas to special permits to thank-you screenings.

What is your greatest career accomplishment to date?

There are two that come to mind:

  1. Helping lead a successful Red-to-Blue Congressional House Campaign in 2018 after the 2016 Presidential election that was devastating to people of color and women. It was an honor to open the Democratic office for my home district.
  2. All the production issues that I have helped solve. I can’t share too many details, but as a HUGE fan of the content my company creates before being hired here, it is true pride when I get to see the final production of shows and films I helped ensure got done.

What is your greatest personal accomplishment to date?

It is truly hard to pick one thing . . . but I am really proud of owning my home. As a first-generation Latina and coming from a lower middle-class family, I know how hard it is to own anything. I wouldn’t say that I was raised to do X, Y, Z as signs of success, but after going to school and having my world opened to how others live, I recognize the value.

I view buying my home as more than a “house,” but as the hard work my husband and I have put behind strategizing and organizing ourselves to take the next step. My grandfather always told us why he chose to bring his family over was for the “American Dream” and to leave his kids better. He did that. My parents worked even harder to compete with how our world has changed to ensure we had enough to get us to that next level and raise the bar. It was those principles that made it a personal goal of being able to buy a house and be with a partner to make a home for my future family.

How do you tackle problems and overcome challenges?

I am a very detailed-oriented person and try to leave no stone unturned without sacrificing efficiency to get the job done, so when it comes to a problem, I use my best practices to tackle whatever issue I have in front of me. But in simple terms, I do my best to learn as much as I can about a problem but acknowledge I may not get all the information I need or be able to find the “right” solution. My mentality is to take a big-picture look, download as much as I can, and make the best choice I can and be able to back up my choices.

What do you do today to impact your community?

It is an honor to be a board member for Warner Bros. Discovery’s BRG, Vibras, for the last two years. I am also heavily involved with guaranteed income nonprofits and supporting our most vulnerable communities. Lastly, I give back to my peers and community by helping younger girls learn how to apply to college, tutor, and help with job interviews and résumé building.

Describe yourself in five words.

Loyal, witty, driven, organized, and thoughtful.

What are your future goals?

I want to move into upper management and move away from being a junior executive. I always phrase this as continuing to prove myself and earn my way to the symbolic “room” and “table.” I also want to provide for myself to be able to pay off my student debt and continue traveling the world.

What is your favorite form of self-care?

A good book, a favorite snack, and quality time with my family. I have three pups, so pup snuggles as well.

What do you like to do for fun when you’re not working?

I have really taken to pottery since pandemic and love working with my hands.

What does making NextGen Collective’s 30 Under 30 list mean to you?

Adoration. Awe. Honored. Those are just a few words. I have been lucky to have mentors and people who have helped me get to where I am today, but to be surrounded by great people that recognized me for this award and then being chosen by peers who have not met me but see my accomplishments, is a feeling like no other. In many of my roles I am the “behind the scenes” even within a team, and I thought that was good. But to be honored as a Latina making strides means that my work and grit is not just hidden but valued.

What is your personal theme song?

“That’s Life” by Frank Sinatra

What is your Latino background?

I am a proud first-generation Mexican American. I was born and raised in the most southern part of LA county in Pomona, California. Both of my parents are from Mexico and immigrated over when they were kids.

Editor’s note: This Q&A has been edited for clarity.


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