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Hispanic Executive Honors Spring Cover Star Nelson A. Diaz

Hispanic Executive Honors Spring Cover Star Nelson A. Diaz

On April 20th, Hispanic Executive toasted to the incredible accomplishments of the Honorable Nelson A. Diaz—HE‘s spring cover star and beloved Philadelphia legal pioneer.

On April 20th, Hispanic Executive took a moment to salute the Honorable Nelson A. Diaz—HE‘s spring cover star—for his commitment to mentorship, his leadership in increasing the presence of Latinos on Fortune 1000 boards, and his numerous contributions to the Latino community over the years.

Sponsored by Northwestern Mutual and in partnership with the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR), the event took place at the beautiful Four Seasons Hotel in Houston, TX, during the 22nd Annual HACR Symposium. The event brought together some of the country’s top Hispanic leaders from Rudy Beserra, vice president of Latin Affairs of Coca-Cola to Janet Murguía, president and CEO of The National Council of La Raza (NCLR). Among the other great leaders present at the event were speakers Pedro Guerrero, president of Hispanic Executive; Carlos Orta, president and CEO of HACR; Frank Rodriguez, founder, chairman, and CLO of Corporate Creations, and Michael Slabic, financial advisor for Northwestern Mutual—all of whom toasted to the incredible accomplishments of this beloved Philadelphia legal pioneer. Hispanic Executive presented Mr. Diaz with a commemorative plaque of his cover.

Stay tuned for more to come on HACR’s members over the next few months here at, in our print summer and fall editions, and on the iPad. Don’t forget to share your photos with us on Facebook and Twitter. Check out a brief event photo recap below.

Financial Advisor for Northwestern Mutual’s Michael Slabic and his wife. PHOTO: Peter Cuellar, Jr.
PHOTO: Peter Cuellar, Jr.


The Honorable Nelson Diaz poses with his wife (left) and his cousin (right). PHOTO: Peter Cuellar, Jr.
The Honorable Nelson Diaz taking a moment to say a few words at his honorary reception. PHOTO: Peter Cuellar, Jr.
Hispanic Executive presents Nelson A. Diaz with a plaque of his cover. PHOTO: Peter Cuellar, Jr.
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President/CEO of HACR, Carlos Orta, with President/CEO of NCLR, Janet Murguía. PHOTO: Peter Cuellar, Jr.
PHOTO: Peter Cuellar, Jr.
PHOTO: Peter Cuellar, Jr.
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PHOTO: Peter Cuellar, Jr.
Nelson A. Diaz with Al Zapanta (left) and Rudy Beserra (right). PHOTO: Peter Cuellar, Jr.
PHOTO: Peter Cuellar, Jr.


Hispanic Executive

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