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Hispanic Executive Honors September Cover Story in Phoenix

Hispanic Executive Honors September Cover Story in Phoenix

Uniting Powerful Leaders: Phoenix

The third invite-only Uniting Powerful Leaders VIP dinner event of 2015 was held at El Chorro Restaurant—a beautiful and expansive hacienda-like restaurant in the paradise valley hills of Phoenix—on September 30, 2015. The intimate dinner was held in partnership with Northwestern Mutual, which launched the 2015 dinner series in San Antonio and then in Chicago this year. The private gathering brought together distinguished leaders who have been profiled in the pages of Hispanic Executive, as well as notable regional Latino executives in a union that celebrates the power of the Hispanic business community and its leadership.

Lee Patterson, Managing Director for the Northwestern Mutual office in Phoenix welcomed the guests and introduced Managing editor of Hispanic Executive, KC Caldwell, who then recognized September/October cover story, Javier Palomarez, with a toast. “With an open heart and mind, Javier Palomarez connects his community, not just the 4.1 million USHCC members, but the entire Latino community to Washington to encourage open dialogue with those in political power” she said. “In questioning the 2016 presidential candidates, Palomarez encourages a greater understanding among the candidates of the issues important to our community and a greater understanding among our community of the platforms the candidates represent. His honest, clear, thoughtful, and effective approach could not come at a more pivotal time. His influence and impact will only continue to grow.”

The guest of honor, Javier Palomarez, spoke to the attendees before the start of dinner. “As corporate executives and business leaders,” Palomarez said, “one reality is clear: the Hispanic community has become a defining feature of the changing face of America.”

He then proceeded to illustrate the following facts, bringing to light the growing U.S. Hispanic population’s ability to determine the course of our nation’s economic, social and political future.

  1. In the last decade, more than 53 percent of America’s overall population growth came from the Hispanic community.
  1. In the next decade, more than 50 percent of the overall population growth will come from the Hispanic community.
  1. Today our community represents the nation’s largest minority group, with more than 53 million Hispanics now living in the U.S.
  1. In fact, America’s Hispanic consumer purchasing power is $1.5 trillion dollars strong. If it were its own economy, it would be larger than Mexico, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia.
  1. As we stand right now, every 30 seconds a Hispanic turns 18 and becomes an eligible voter. That’s over 60,000 brand new voters every month, and that will be the case for the next 21 years.
  1. 1 in 4 kids in school today is of Hispanic descent.
  1. Right now, 1 in 6 people alive in America is of Hispanic descent.
  1. Hispanic-owned businesses are starting up at a rate three times the national average. These entrepreneurial men and women are leading overall small business growth,  a segment of the US economy that is responsible for creating two-thirds of all new American jobs


“In fact, in this very room, there is a constellation of rising stars in the Hispanic community,” concluded Palomarez. “Together, let’s continue to serve our companies, communities, and our country. Let us follow Hispanic Executive’s example and recommit ourselves today—and every day—to the common cause of building a brighter American future by uniting as a community.”

The next Uniting Powerful Leaders dinner will be held in Los Angeles on November 11, 2015 in recognition of its 2015 Top 10 Lideres. All photos by Elaine Kessler.



L to R: KC Caldwell, Managing Editor, Hispanic Executive; Javier Palomarez, President/CEO, USHCC; Pedro A. Guerrero, CEO, Hispanic Executive
L to R: KC Caldwell, Managing Editor, Hispanic Executive; Javier Palomarez, President/CEO, USHCC; Pedro A. Guerrero, CEO, Hispanic Executive
L to R: Luz Jimenez, Multicultural Business Development Manager, H&R Block; Vianey Celestino, Hispanic Marketing Manager, Phoenix Suns; Ruben Alvarez, Managing Partner, Molera Alvarez
L to R: Luz Jimenez, Multicultural Business Development Manager, H&R Block; Vianey Celestino, Hispanic Marketing Manager, Phoenix Suns; Ruben Alvarez, Managing Partner, Molera Alvarez

Lee Patterson, Managing Director for the Northwestern Mutual Phoenix office, welcoming guests
Lee Patterson, Managing Director for the Northwestern Mutual Phoenix office, welcoming guests. Photo by: Elaine Kessler
Guests connecting during the pre-dinner cocktail hour. Photo by: Elaine Kessler
Guests connecting during the pre-dinner cocktail hour. Photo by: Elaine Kessler
Photo by: Elaine Kessler
Photo by: Elaine Kessler
L to R: Gonzalo de la Melena, President, Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; Jaime Molera, Managing Partner, Molera Alvarez. Photo by: Elaine Kessler
L to R: Gonzalo de la Melena, President, Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; Jaime Molera, Managing Partner, Molera Alvarez. Photo by: Elaine Kessler
Clarissa Cerda, Chief Legal Strategist, LifeLock with husband Leslie Klein.
Clarissa Cerda, Chief Legal Strategist, LifeLock with husband Leslie Klein.


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