During the Hispanic Executive press cycle, as soon as the cover story is chosen, we immediately start working on the cover copy. Sometimes inspiration strikes like lightning. Other times, a few brainstorming sessions are needed before we feel like we’re going in the right direction. And other times, we’ll explore about twenty different directions and still hit a dead end. It’s hardest to find inspiration for a catchy phrase when there’s so much story to pack into just a few words.
Such was the case when brainstorming for José Sánchez’s cover story. The Norwegian American Hospital CEO is a community healer in the most uncertain of times. For a hospital with 75 percent of its patients on Medicare, Sanchez stands unshaken in a promise for a healthier tomorrow.
A healthier tomorrow. Where had I heard that before? I found myself suddenly transported to my Nana whispering over a scrape on my three-year-old knee: “Sana, sana, colita de rana. Si no sanas hoy, sanarás mañana.” If only a simple song could cure the anxieties surrounding healthcare. The truth is, someone has to step up to make it happen.
Sánchez, in collaboration with many committed Humboldt Park residents, can continue to make it happen, using the tools the Affordable Care Act gave us. Sanarás Mañana: let it be a credo to stand strong and stand up for one another. Thanks to Sánchez’s leadership, like a little frog tail, Humboldt Park can heal itself and grow back even stronger. “Salud” is not just a congratulations to Sánchez or clinking-glass toast; it is our sincere wish for a healthier tomorrow.